Dear Parents/ Guardians Now that we have reached the end of the term we would like to say a huge THANK YOU to our pupils and parents for all your support as we navigated through the Covid 19 Guidelines. Thankfully we have all been safe and well this term. Below you will find a wonderful Christmas Video from the school . A big Thank You to all involved in the production of this video........ Thank you to Mr. Foy for his amazing camera work. Thank you Mrs. Christie and the Reach class for your contributions. Thank you Ms. Doolin for choregraphing the dance routines. A special thank you to our past pupil Caoláin Gammell for providing the Drone which added a special element to the production. Ms. Bermingham and Ms. Martin, who worked tirelessly to produce and edit the final product....a huge thank you from all of us!! You did amazing work and we all appreciate it....... ENJOY!!!! Comments are closed.